May It Please Your Excellency,
The part played by the Province of Sindh in the achievement of Pakistan, and the contribution she has since been making towards building it up are so outstanding that it Is not even necessary to mention them when a correspondingly appropriate place is urged for her in the Social, Cultural, Economic and Political set-up of our country.
It was Sindh, first and last, which on her initiative, expressed herself officially in favor of the establishment of Pakistan, nay, demanded it, through her Legislative Assembly.
It was Sindh, again, which, with all love and solicitousness in her heart, invited the Government of Pakistan to have a sojourn under her roof for as long as it was necessary, and, almost with a parental tenderness and foresight, spent tens of lace of rupees, and built hundreds and Thousands of houses for the office and residential needs of those who were coming as her esteemed guests.
It was Sindh which opened her doors to the riots-stricken Beharees in their ten,, of thousands the early vanguard of the subsequent armies of political’ refugees,, from India . arid did every thing possible promptly it) give then) comfort and solace they so badly needed
It was Sindh, again which received with open arms the early post partition masses of her poor and immigrants brethren and immediately started absorbing them within her fold, and owning them up as her own kith and Kin.
It is Sindh, again, whose doors are somehow being kept open even now for, more or less, a ceaseless influx of immigrants from all directions.
It should, then, be natural, under the circumstances, to expect t at the Province of Sindh must have received not only a fair but generous treatment in the scheme of things in the initial founding and subsequent dispensation of which she has had such a great hand.
To the great sorrow of Sindh, however, the actual state of affairs is quite the opposite. It is indeed difficult to contemplate Sindh’s present situation without feeling wholly uneasy for her future.
In face of Sind’s most spirited opposition unequivocally and unanimously expressed through her Legislative Assembly, her political organizations including the Muslim League, and her entire press and Public platforms. Sindh was geographically, economically, politically, socially and culturally dismembered. The grievous loss to which Sindh was subjected by separating Karachi and its vast environs from her is beyond compensation, The capitalized and revenue assets comprising the financial aspect of Sindh’s loss alone amount to more than a hundred crore of rupees. The question of compensation even for this material part of Sindh’s loss no more worries the Government of Pakistan: what Sindh has suffered socially, culturally and politically by this dismemberment is literally incalculable.
The subsequent treatment meted out to Sindh in Karachi is all the more painful to recount. She had to quit her own palatial Assembly Buildings, and move herself to the old, rickety Barracks after making them habitable at her own cost: and for being allowed this luxury of a barrack-roof she was called upon to pay and is actually paying rent to the Government of Pakistan Nearly half of Smith Chief Court’s premises have been without any consideration for the sanctity of that august Institution unauthorisedly occupied by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan, who refuse to pay even their own monthly Electricity consumption bills. The Federal University of Karachi summarily abolished Sindhi as one of the language for taking the University Examinations. The Secondary Board of Education for Federal Area have adopted their High School syllabus in such a form that Sindhi children are left with no option but to drop either the English language or their mother language as a subject of their studies. Sindhi Primary Education in the Federal Area, instead of expanding, has actually contracted. In disregard to the assurances solemnly given to Sindh at the time of the separation of Karachi, Sindhis are being eliminated from the services in the Karachi Administration.
Autonomy of Sindh is reduced to such a farce that she is left with very little discretion in the disposal and arrangement of her internal affairs. Out of Sindh’s only 5 seats in the Constituent Assembly and Federal Legislature consisting of 79 members in all, one remains, at the moment, vacant, the second is occupied by a gentleman who on account of Karachi’s separation from Sindh has no more the right to represent Sindh, and on the third sits a gentleman from Bombay whose only association with Sindh is that very seat itself. Whereas a small province like the N.W.F.P. has two cabinet seats in the Government of Pakistan, Sindh has only one, and a handpicked gentleman too occupies that one with no public sanction whatsoever behind him. After the demise of Shaikh Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah, Sindh has not had the good fortune of seeing any one of her sons as a Governor of any Province in Pakistan. Out of nearly a score of ambassadorial and consular posts, Sindh doesn’t have any. Outsiders are exposing vast areas of Sindh’s valuable fertile land for colonization. In the matters of higher Administrative Services, grant of Licenses for Import and Export Trade, Military recruitment, and allocation of central funds for agricultural, Industrial, Educational, Social and Cultural development of Provinces, the interests of Sindh are, more often than not, being totally ignored by the Government of Pakistan.
On any impartial consideration of the history of Pakistan and the part played in it by the Province of Sindh, it could be easily established that Sindh merits a better and fairer treatment than the one she has been getting so far at the hands of the powers that are. It is therefore a high time that this step-motherly attitude to Sindh is reviewed and appropriately changed as early as possible.
This Assembly is of the view that (a) Separation of the "Karachi Federal Area" from Sindh was in violation of the terms and conditions of the Lahore Resolution of the then All India Muslim League, on the sole basis of which Sindh originally became a party to the Pakistan movement, and (b) The Sindh Legislative Assembly of 1948 that gave its subsequent consent to this dismemberment of Sindh had no right of any kind to do so as it had neither asked for, nor had it received any such mandate or authority-from the people of Sindh, at the time of its election in 1946. Under the circumstances, Sindh should either get back what it has lost together with adequate compensation for her capitalized and revenue assets in this area which she could not utilize for this period, or an early referendum should be made among the people of Sindh on this issue considered in all its implications such as the terms and conditions on the basis of which the area should or should not be given up by Sindh.
This Legislative Assembly, being further of the view that the Province of Sindh, from historical, geographical, economic, linguistic and cultural view points constitutes a distinct nationality, believes that she, as such possesses: