About the G M Syed Memorial Award

Saeen G, M. Syed Memorial Award has been established to honor the memory of Mr. Syed and encourage those who share his dreams of freedom of Sindh and other oppressed nations in Pakistan . Each year, the G M Syed Memorial Committee in collaboration with the World Sindhi Congress (WSC) will grant the G. M. Syed Memorial award to 1-3 activists or scholars who have made an exceptional contributions to peace and justice in Sindh or to knowledge about Sindh. Each recipient will receive a medal, a certificate and a cash award (currently US $250).

Qualifications: All persons who have been active in Sindhi rights movement may be nominated for the award; their contribution to the movement may have been through writing speaking, lobbying, or other activities to promote the movement. The individual may belong to any organization, however, current office bearers of WSC and members of the Selection Committee are ineligible .

Nomination Procedure: WSC invites nominations, including self-nominations, of candidates. Send (1) brief biography, (2) personal information (name, address, phone, email, and organizational affiliations), (3) details about activities that led to the nomination, (4) list of published works if any. Please limit nomination materials to five pages. They may be written in any language. Nominators should also provide brief information about themselves.

Send all materials to WSC by post to 8427 Tamayo Dr. , Houston , TX 77083 , USA , by fax at +1-866-366-9603 or by e-mail at worldsindhicongress@gmail.com.

Nominees who did not receive the award for a given year will remain candidates for subsequent years. Therefore, it is not necessary to nominate the same person again but supplemental information may be provided, if desired.

Dates: The deadline for nomination is September 1st, 2008 . The award will be presented at the Annual General Body Meeting of WSC, generally held in London in late Fall 2008.

Selection Committee: Dr. Gul Agha, Dr. Syed Zia Shah, and Dr. Saghir Shaikh

Saeen G. M. Syed , a visionary leader who pioneered the Sindhi freedom movement, remains a beacon of the Sindhi people's struggle for national self-determination. He was repeatedly detained and imprisoned by Pakistani authorities, spendin